Austerely Melancholic Laziness

tralala but NO ding ding dongs~ irrelevant, in my thots and speech so if the posts seem confusing/irrelevant or whatsoever - it's me, not you. like a teapot, i'm short & stout. no use crying over spilled milo. how abt trying horlicks?? anyone? Cheers (raises mug of steamy Horlicks)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rabbits = Crappy = FOS ?

haha. FOS (full of shit) that's how ah bao described rabbits when I told her that I once came across this program that mentioned rabbits eating their own shit. ya, so we concluded that maybe I do like crappy stuff, like take for an example. she came up with the reasoning that she's quite crappy too if she can come up with this FOS rabbit thingy. sooooo cute. LOL. well crappy or not, I think as long as it tickles ur funny bone it's fine. that's how I like her too & everyone else that i do like. haha. they're either cute or funny in their own sense, as perceived by moi.


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